《中国国际财经》杂志创刊于1987年1月,原名《中国外贸经》由中华人民共和国商务部主管,国际商报社主办的大型国家级财经月刊,国内刊号CN 10-1221/F,国际刊号ISSN 1672-075x,是深入探讨中国经济、商业环境和外贸趋势的权威综合财经期刊。主要读者人群来自于世界各国的商界精英、跨国公司的决策者、驻华使领馆及国际机构的代表。本刊热忱欢迎各企事业单位、政府机关、科研院校等社会各界及个人投稿、订阅。
The China International Finance "magazine published in January 1987, formerly known as" China's foreign trade "by director of Ministry of Commerce of the people's Republic, the international business newspaper sponsored large national financial magazine. The ISSN cn 10-1221/F. ISSN ISSN 1672-075x, is in-depth study of China's economy and business environment and foreign trade trends comprehensive and authoritative financial magazine. The main readers of the world's business elite, the Multi-National Corporation's decision makers, embassies and representatives of international agencies in china. This print warmly welcome all enterprises and institutions, government agencies, research institutions and other social sectors and individual contributions, subscription.
国际刊号:ISSN 1672-075x 国内刊号:CN10-1221/F