刊名: 电脑知识与技术
Computer Knowledge and Technology
主办: 安徽科技情报协会;中国计算机函授学院
周期: 旬刊
语种: 中文;
开本: 大16开
ISSN: 1009-3044
CN: 34-1205/TP
邮发代号: 26-188
复合影响因子: 0.202
综合影响因子: 0.081
曾用刊名:电脑知识与技术.学术交流;电脑知识 & 计算机文汇
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《电脑知识与技术》杂志09年入选中国科技核心期刊,本刊系中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊,中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊,中国核心期刊 (遴选)数据库收录期刊,中国学术期刊(光盘版)收录期刊。
Computer knowledge and technology "magazine" 09 years in the Chinese Core Journals of science and technology, the Department of the Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database source journals, China journal full text database full-text included journals, core journals of China (Lin Xuan) database journals published academic period, China (CD) journals.
Computer knowledge and technology oriented "is a comprehensive academic journal of computer industry. ; source from the national colleges and universities, related research institutions and large domestic information communication, software R & D enterprises set up the professional institute. Academic exchanges edition published papers are 2 domestic peer review by.